But it is a job!

I got a job! It ain't a beautiful one, it ain't sophisticated, it ain't a lot of things. But it is a job. And I needed one. There's nothing wrong about it. I actually enjoy working with those machines and because of targets, I end up speeding through the eight hours of my shifts almost without noticing time passing. I work alone, with red buckets and an automatic machine as company, you can see more of it in the first seconds of this video.

But I so miss to work with people and making art!

At the same time I was struggling with the absence of a job, feeling guilty for not having prepared the transition to Holland so well, dealing with all questions and doubts about my work and my practice, mixing everything in the same bowl: guilt from mistakes in the past, the desire of doing things that I didn't know how to market and sell, etc, etc.

This post got messy. I got a job, and I needed to celebrate it.


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