Employed or Self-employed

Still without a job. Still on a career crisis, although in a bit of a different position than I was a month ago. I have started to take Dutch lessons and making an effort to avoid panic.

I managed to get some distance from the overwhelmingness of the whole situation, some distance from my thoughts and things seem to start to clarify a tiny little bit. I must hold on to that little bit and feed it.

So I decided to put up all the possibilities of work that could come to my mind. On one side there's all the undifferentiated work I can do without speaking Dutch, on the other, the things that I am quite good at and want to do more, some of these things are also possible to do in English.

The question now is: where to start? I think it will be to try to get something to pay the bills, even if that means to wash dishes in English, while I feed the right hand side columns.


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