Music is everywhere

Why do I like this kind of music? I have been researching for ways of making music with others. During the last couple years I have been noticing a tendency to create these sound art pieces in which I try to reflect on experiences of togetherness. These pieces use the sounds of interactions and they sometimes feel quite chaotic.

I have noticed that my brain resonates with pieces like this because they somehow mirror how it works: so many things happening at the same time, it becomes more about the momentary interactions than about a composition. I can't articulate an explanation about how it feels to live inside my brain, but these pieces provide a quite clear picture of it. Everything is possible, everything is something, there's little prioritisation, not much planning and most of all: everything is valid and worth of attention.

If you listen to it, will you give me some candid feedback on it? Some of my best critics have said about a couple of these that they were unbearable, but they were also quite touched about a few others. I wonder how other brains react to material like this. Please feel free to express it in the comments, I'm not looking for "likes" or approval, just really curious.


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